It took me a while to get back to my blog. I haven't painted as much lately, and I haven't been confident about some of my paintings. Sometimes it is harder than others to put myself out there... but I'm trying to keep it up and thank God for allowing me to paint each painting. This first painting is new territory for me... little more abstract. Lots of layers, thick oil applied with a palette knife. We spent a week this summer in Florida off 30A in Seaside. This is what my mind brought back with me...
30A Dream 40x30 inch Oil on Canvas with Palette Knife - For Sale at Adams Galleries of Austin
I really enjoyed painting the Smooth Prickly Pears... We have them all around Lakeway and I love that they do not have thorns. It is therapuetic to paint them and every time I take pictures or look at them I see different colors and shapes. This painting took me away from reality for a while and was a joy to paint.
Funky Texas Pears 36x36 inch Oil on Canvas with Palette Knife - For Sale